
Soft drink

soft drink, any of a class of nonalcoholic beverages, usually but not necessarily carbonated, normally containing a natural or artificial sweetening agent, edible acids, natural or artificial flavours, and sometimes juice. Natural flavours are derived from fruits, nuts, berries, roots, herbs, and other plant sources. Coffee, tea, milk, cocoa, and undiluted fruit and vegetable juices are not considered soft drinks.

The term was originated to distinguish the flavoured drinks from hard liquor, or spirits. Soft drinks were recommended as a substitute in the effort to change the hard-drinking habits of early Americans.


Sodavand er en fællesbetegnelse for ikke-alkoholiske læskedrikke med kulsyre. Normalt er sodavand også sødet med sukker for at skjule kulsyrens sure smag, men der findes også en bred vifte af sodavand med kunstige sødemidler, såkaldte light-sodavand.

Non scholae sed vitae.

(Vi lærer ikke for skolen, men for livet)